Dr. Christie Bryant, PT
Owner / Doctor of Physical Therapy
Dr. Christie Bryant, PT is a licensed Doctor of Physical Therapy from Merced, CA. Prior to her physical therapy career, Dr. Bryant participated in NCAA Division 1 basketball at Nicholls State University in Thibodaux, LA. Her passion for providing expert physical therapy and recovery services are closely rooted to her own comprehensive athletic career. In her spare time, Dr. Bryant enjoys traveling with family and friends and supporting the Dallas Cowboys.
Dr. Bryant completed her Doctorate of Physical Therapy program at Western University of Health Sciences in Pomona, CA in 2014.
Her training consists of extensive sports, orthopedic and surgical rehabilitation along with therapeutic exercise prescription following her various internships in Los Angeles, CA. During her training, she presented research on Achilles Tendon Reconstruction and post-surgical rehabilitation among a highly decorated orthopedic and physical therapy team. She also received baseball throwing mechanics and restoration of elbow bio-mechanics training throughout the throwing phases due to high clientele following Tommy John’s procedure from Kerlan-Jobe Orthopedic clinic in Los Angeles.